Contact Information
Research Team
Name Position Office Phone Email
Ziqi LINPhD Student (Lab Representative)E12-3051+853 8822 4219yc17669@um.edu.mo
Haixin QINResearch AssistantE12-3051+853 8822 9104haixinqin@um.edu.mo
Weimin ZUOPhD StudentE12-3051
Jing LIPhD Student
Sin Wa WONGPhD StudentE12-3051
Zhongliang LIPhD Student
Siyuan LUOPhD StudentE12-3050
Jiasheng ZHANGPhD StudentE12-3050
Shiling ZHANGPhD Student
Dangui HEPhD Student
Yan ZHUPhD Student
Jingxuan PENGPhD Student
Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP)  Postdoctoral Fellow Queen’s University Belfast, UK (2004-2007)
PhD in Biomedical Sciences University of Ulster, UK (2003)
BSc (1st Class Hons) in Biotechnology University of Ulster, UK (2000)
NVQ Level 4 (Higher National Diploma) in Management Chartered Management Institute, UK (2007)
2024 – Present Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Macau
2022 – Present Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC), UK
2022 – Present Fellow of the Royal Society of Biology (FRSB), UK
2018 – 2024 Associate Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Macau
2013 – Present Visiting Scientist/Mentor, Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute, University of Cambridge, UK
2014 – 2018 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Macau
2007 – 2017 Visiting Research Fellow, School of Pharmacy, Queen’s University Belfast, UK
2011 – 2014 Senior Research Associate / Fellow, Department of Oncology / Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute, University of Cambridge, UK
2007 – 2011 Senior Scientist, Fusion Antibodies Ltd., UK
Research Interests
Prof. Kwok’s research interests mainly focus on developing novel monoclonal antibodies and natural biomolecules (including venom-based peptides, plant-derived molecules etc.) as prototype drugs for anticancer and anti-inflammatory therapies. In addition, Prof. Kwok’s research group also expands their research and scientific knowledge in the areas of existing and novel cancer biomarkers such as

  1. matricellular protein — OPN,
  2. metalloproteinase — ADAM17, ADAMTS5 and ADAMTS8,
  3. DNA replication licensing factor — MCM proteins,
  4. small GTP binding protein — RAN and RCC1,
  5. immunotherapy markers (e.g. PD-1/PD-L1), as well as markers for photoelectrochemical immunoassay (e.g. sulfide- / Zn0.5Cd0.5S- PSA)

in order to identify and validate their prognostic and therapeutic values according to the roles in hallmarks of cancer and chronic diseases.


For more details, please kindly further visit the Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS) Newsletter link — Principle Investigator (PI) Introduction Series and Prof. Kwok’s research group website as below:

Representative Publications
Journal Articles:

  • Guo L., Li B., Wong S. W., Chen M., Xu Q, Ge L and Kwok H. F. (2023) Enzyme-catalyzed high-performing reaction with in-situ amplified photocurrent on carbon-functionalized inorganic photoanode for immunosensing. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 236, 115404
  • Wu Q., Chen P., Li J., Lin Z., Zhang Q. and Kwok H. F. (2023) Inhibition of bladder cancer growth with Homoharringtonine by inactivating integrin α5/β1-FAK/Src axis: A novel strategy for drug application. Pharmacological Research 188, 106654
  • Li J., Zhu L. and Kwok H. F. (2023) Nanotechnology-based approaches overcome lung cancer drug resistance through diagnosis and treatment. Drug Resistance Updates 66, 100904
  • Li B., Guo L., Ge L., and Kwok H. F. (2023) Pearson’s principle-inspired hollow metal sulfide for amplified photoelectrochemical immunoassay for disease-related protein. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 221, 114210
  • Li J., Chen P., Wu Q., Guo L., Leong K. W., Chan K. I., and Kwok H. F. (2022) A novel combination treatment of antiADAM17 antibody and erlotinib to overcome acquired drug resistance in non-small cell lung cancer through the FOXO3a/FOXM1 axis. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 79, 614
  • Li J., Zhu L., and Kwok H. F. (2022) Nanotechnology-based approaches overcome lung cancer drug resistance through diagnosis and treatment. Drug Resistance Updates (In Press)
  • Mughal M. J., Chan K. I., Mahadevappa R., Wong S. W., Wai, K. C., and Kwok H. F. (2022) Over-activation of Minichromosome Maintenance Protein 10 promotes genomic instability in early stages of breast cancer progression. International Journal of Biological Sciences 18(9), 3827-3844
  • Li B., Guo L., Chen M., Guo Y., Ge L., and Kwok H. F. (2022) Single-atom Pt-anchored Zn0.5Cd0.5S boosted photoelectrochemical immunoassay of prostate-specific antigen. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 202, 114006
  • Mughal, M. J. and Kwok, H. F. (2021) Multidimensional role of bacteria in cancer: mechanisms insight, diagnostic, preventive and therapeutic potential. Seminars in Cancer Biology 21, 00181-001814
  • Wei, R., Wu, Q., Ai, N., Wang, L., Zhou, M., Shaw, C., Chen, T., Ye, R. D., Ge, W., Siu, S. W. I. and Kwok, H. F. (2021) A novel bioengineered fragment peptide of Vasostatin-1 exerts smooth muscle pharmacological activities and anti-angiogenic effects via blocking VEGFR signalling pathway. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal 19, 2664-2675
  • Li, B., Ge, L. L., Lyu, P., Chen, M. J., Zhang, X. F., Xie, S., Wu, Q. and Kwok, H. F. (2021) Handheld pH Meter-Assisted Immunoassay for C-Reactive Protein Using Glucose Oxidase-Conjugated Dendrimer Loaded with Platinum Nanozymes. Microchim Acta 188 (1), 14
  • Xie, J., Chen, P., Xie, X, Sun, Y., Huang, Z., Wei, R., Maio, Z., Wang, Q., Zhang, S. D., Wong, K. H., Lin, Y., Huang, C. and Kwok, H. F. (2020) Exploration of Gastric Neuroendocrine Carcinoma (GNEC) specific signaling pathways involved in chemoresistance via transcriptome and in vitro analysis. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal 18, 2610-2620
  • Ma, R. and Kwok, H. F. (2020) New opportunities and challenges of venom-based and bacteria-derived molecules for anticancer therapy. Seminars in Cancer Biology 20, 30182-30186
  • Guo, L., Wei, R., Lin, Y. and Kwok, H. F. (2020) Clinical and Recent Patents Applications of PD-1/PD-L1 Targeting Immunotherapy in Cancer Treatment — Current Progress, Strategy and Future Perspective. Frontiers in Immunology 11, 1508
  • Li, J. and Kwok, H. F. (2020) Current Strategies for Treating NSCLC: From Biological Mechanisms to Clinical Treatment. Cancers (Basel) 12 (6), E1587
  • Ma, R., Ren, Z. L., Li, B., Siu, S. W. I., Chen, G. K. and Kwok, H. F. (2020) Novel Venom-Based Peptides (P13 and its Derivative-M6) to Maintain Self-Renewal of Human Embryonic Stem Cells by Activating FGF and TGFbeta Signaling Pathways. Stem Cell Res Ther 11 (1), 243
  • Ma, R., Wong, S. W., Ge, L., Shaw, C., Siu, S. W. I. and Kwok, H. F. (2020) In Vitro and MD Simulation Study to Explore Physicochemical Parameters for Antibacterial Peptide to Become Potent Anticancer Peptide. Mol Ther Oncolytics 16, 7-19
  • Yang, Z., Chan, K. I., Kwok, H. F. and Tam, K. Y. (2019) Novel Therapeutic Anti-ADAM17 Antibody A9(B8) Enhances EGFR-Tki-Mediated Anticancer Activity in NSCLC. Transl Oncol 12 (11), 1516-1524
  • Ge, L. L., Li, B., Xu, H. X., Pu, W. Y. and Kwok, H. F. (2019) Backfilling Rolling Cycle Amplification with Enzyme-DNA Conjugates on Antibody for Portable Electrochemical Immunoassay with Glucometer Readout. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 132, 210-216
  • Chen, P. C., Wang, Q. S., Xie, J. W. and Kwok, H. F. (2019) Signaling Networks and the Feasibility of Computational Analysis in Gastroenteropancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors. Semin Cancer Biol 58, 80-89
  • Wei, R., Wong, J. P. C., Lyu, P., Xi, X. P., Tong, O., Zhang, S. D., Yuen, H. F., Shirasawa, S. and Kwok, H. F. (2018) In Vitro and Clinical Data Analysis of Osteopontin as a Prognostic Indicator in Colorectal Cancer. J Cell Mol Med 22 (9), 4097-4105
  • Mughal, M. J., Mahadevappa, R. and Kwok, H. F. (2018) DNA Replication Licensing Proteins: Saints and Sinners in Cancer. Semin Cancer Biol 58, 11-21
  • Mahadevappa, R., Neves, H., Yuen, S. M., Jameel, M., Bai, Y. C., Yuen, H. F., Zhang, S. D., Zhu, Y. Z., Lin, Y. and Kwok, H. F. (2018) DNA Replication Licensing Protein MCM10 Promotes Tumor Progression and Is a Novel Prognostic Biomarker and Potential Therapeutic Target in Breast Cancer. Cancers (Basel) 10 (9), E282
  • Li, B., Lyu, P., Xi, X. P., Ge, L. L., Mahadevappa, R., Shaw, C. and Kwok, H. F. (2018) Triggering of Cancer Cell Cycle Arrest by a Novel Scorpion Venom-Derived Peptide – Gonearrestide. J Cell Mol Med 22 (9), 4460-4473
  • Ye, J., Yuen, S. M., Murphy, G., Xie, R. Y. and Kwok, H. F. (2017) Anti-Tumor Effects of a ‘Human & Mouse Cross-Reactive’ Anti-ADAM17 Antibody in a Pancreatic Cancer Model in Vivo. Eur J Pharm Sci 110, 62-69
  • Wong, J., Wei, R., Lyu, P., Tong, O., Zhang, S. D., Wen, Q., Yuen, H. F., El-Tanani, M. and Kwok, H. F. (2017) Clinical and in Vitro Analysis of Osteopontin as a Prognostic Indicator and Unveil Its Potential Downstream Targets in Bladder Cancer. Int J Biol Sci 13 (11), 1373
  • Neves, H. and Kwok, H. F. (2017) In Sickness and in Health: The Many Roles of the Minichromosome Maintenance Proteins. Biochim Biophys Acta (BBA) — Reviews on Cancer 1868 (1), 295-308
  • Mahadevappa, R., Ma, R. and Kwok, H. F. (2017) Venom Peptides: Improving Specificity in Cancer Therapy. Trends Cancer 3 (9), 611-614
  • Takayanagi, T., Forrester, S., Kawai, T., Obama, T., Tsuji, T., Elliott, K., Nuti, E., Rossello, A., Kwok, H. F., Scalia, R., Rizzo, V. and Eguchi, S. (2016) Vascular ADAM17 as a Novel Therapeutic Target in Mediating Cardiovascular Hypertrophy and Perivascular Fibrosis Induced by Angiotensin Iinovelty and Significance. Hypertension 68 (4), 949-955
  • Kwok, H. F., Zhang, S. D., McCrudden, C., Yuen, H. F., Ting, K. P., Wen, Q., Khoo, U. S. and Chan, K. Y. K. (2015) Prognostic Significance of Minichromosome Maintenance Proteins in Breast Cancer. Am J Cancer Res 5 (1), 52-71
  • Kwok, H. F., Botkjaer, K., Tape, C., Huang, Y. C., McCafferty, J. and Murphy, G. (2014) Development of a ‘Mouse and Human Cross-Reactive’affinity-Matured Exosite Inhibitory Human Antibody Specific to TACE (ADAM17) for Cancer Immunotherapy. Protein Eng Des Sel 27 (6), 179-190
  • Kwok, H. F., Buick, R. J., Kuehn, D., Gormley, J. A., Doherty, D., Jaquin, T. J., McClurg, A., Ward, C., Byrne, T., Jaworski, J., Leung, K. L., Snoddy, P., McAnally, C., Burden, R. E., Gray, B., Lowry, J., Sermadiras, I., Gruszka, N., Courtenay-Luck, N., Kissenpfennig, A., Scott, C. J., Johnston, J. A. and Olwill, S. A. (2011) Antibody Targeting of Cathepsin S Induces Antibody-Dependent Cellular Cytotoxicity. Mol Cancer 10, 147
  • Fry, B. G., Roelants, K., Winter, K., Hodgson, W. C., Griesman, L., Kwok, H. F., Scanlon, D., Karas, J., Shaw, C., Wong, L. and Norman, J. A. (2010) Novel Venom Proteins Produced by Differential Domain-Expression Strategies in Beaded Lizards and Gila Monsters (Genus Heloderma). Mol Biol Evol 27 (2), 395-407
  • Fry, B. G., Wroe, S., Teeuwisse, W., van Osch, M. J., Moreno, K., Ingle, J., McHenry, C., Ferrara, T., Clausen, P., Scheib, H., Winter, K. L., Greisman, L., Roelants, K., van der Weerd, L., Clemente, C. J., Giannakis, E., Hodgson, W. C., Luz, S., Martelli, P., Krishnasamy, K., Kochva, E., Kwok, H. F., Scanlon, D., Karas, J., Citron, D. M., Goldstein, E. J., McNaughtan, J. E. and Norman, J. A. (2009) A Central Role for Venom in Predation by Varanus Komodoensis (Komodo Dragon) and the Extinct Giant Varanus (Megalania) Priscus. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 106 (22), 8969-8974
  • Kwok, H. F., Chen, T., O’Rourke, M., Ivanyi, C., Hirst, D. and Shaw, C. (2008) Helokinestatin: A New Bradykinin B2 Receptor Antagonist Decapeptide from Lizard Venom. Peptides 29 (1), 65-72

Books / Book Chapters:

  • Kwok H. F., Shaw C. and Walker B. (Ed.) (2021) Proteases — From Basic Structure to Function to Drug Design as Targeted Therapy (pp. 1-93). Basel, Switzerland: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
  • Kwok H. F. (Ed.) (2021) Novel Natural-based Biomolecules Discovery for Tackling Chronic Diseases (pp. 1-180). Basel, Switzerland: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
  • Kwok, H. F. (Ed.) (2019) Venom Toxins as Potential Targeted Therapy (pp. 1-167). Basel, Switzerland: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
  • Fry, B. G., Roelants, K., Jackson, T. N. W., Takacs, Z., Reeks, T. and Kwok, H. F. (2015) Chapter 18 B-Type natriuretic peptides. In Bryan Fry (Ed.), Venomous Reptiles and Their Toxins (pp. 312-317). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press
  • Fry, B. G., Roelants, K., Jackson, T. N. W., Takacs, Z., Reeks, T. and Kwok, H. F. (2015) Chapter 11 Exendin peptides. In Bryan Fry (Ed.), Venomous Reptiles and Their Toxins (pp. 247-254). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press

Full publications list

Research Grants
2024 Dr. Stanley Ho Medical Development Foundation “Set Sail for New Horizons, Create the Future” Grant:  Visiting Scholar Exchange Program
2022 – Present The Science and Technology Development Fund (FDCT), To investigate the molecular mechanisms of Osteopontin (OPN) and KRAS mutant/wild-type in colon cancer development and prognosis as an early diagnosis and therapeutic target
2021 – Present The Science and Technology Development Fund (FDCT) — National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Role and mechanism of animal venom peptide family BmKDfsin3/4 against HBV/HCV and the related-hepatocellular carcinoma mediated by p38 MAPK signal pathway
2019 – 2022 The Science and Technology Development Fund (FDCT), Novel combination treatment strategy with “Anti-ADAM17 Antibody + EGFR-TKi” for tackling the drug resistance issue in EGFR-mutant lung cancer
2017 – 2020 The Science and Technology Development Fund (FDCT), Discover & investigate the role of novel venom-based peptide(s) in cancer progression to unlock its mechanism as a therapeutic drug development to fight against cancer
2017 – 2020 The Science and Technology Development Fund (FDCT) — Minister of Science and Technology of China (MOST), Investigation of the correlation between PD-L1 expression and KRAS signaling pathway and its potential clinical application
2015 – 2018 The Science and Technology Development Fund (FDCT), Investigate the role of MCM10 in breast cancer progression & its potential as a therapeutic target
2015 – 2018 University of Macau Multi-Year Research Grant, A model system for structural and functional convergence of venom peptides: unlock a new era in drug development
2015 – 2018 University of Macau Multi-Year Research Grant, Osteopontin (OPN) expression as a prognostic indicator in colorectal cancer & its potential as a therapeutic target
2014 – 2016 University of Macau Start-Up Research Grant, Investigate novel regulator(s) for ADAM17 ectodomain shedding by cellular & proteomics approaches: Evaluation in biology and medicine
2011 – 2016 Cancer Research UK Research Grant (with Prof Gillian Murphy), Development of human TACE (mouse & human cross-reactive) therapeutic antibody against cancer
2007 – 2011 Invest Northern Ireland (NI) European Development Research Fund, Discovery, development & evaluation of the therapeutic efficacy of APO-1 antibody and human Cathepsin S antibody for the treatment of cancer
2006 – 2009 InterTrade Ireland Innova Grant, TB diagnostic kit/assay development
2004 – 2007 UK Technology Strategy Board KTP Funding, Define the shortfalls in current protein production techniques, and to develop novel techniques to permit more efficient and scaled protein engineering, protein expression and protein purification
  1. Kwok H. F., Ma R., Chen G. (2022) Venom-based peptide and application thereof. Patent CN 111574593 B and WO2021237904A1
  2. Kwok H. F., Xie R. (2020) Use of anti-tumour effects of a ‘human & mouse cross-reactive’anti-adam17 antibody in treating pancreatic cancer. Patent US 16/033,654
  3. Kwok H. F. (2019) Method of Mediating Cardiovascular Hypertrophy and Perivascular Fibrosis Induced by Angiotensin II. Patent US 16/032,482
  4. Olwill S. A., Kwok H. F., Johnston J. A., Whelan C., Clarke J., Shuralev E. (2010) Diagnostic methods and kits – The identification of tuberculosis infection in animals such as badgers, cervids and wild boar. Patent WO 2010097625
  5. Olwill S. A., Buick R., Kwok H. F., Scott C., Ward C. (2010) Antibody Therapy – Described are methods of inhibiting angiogenesis, the methods comprising the simultaneous, sequential or separate administration of (i) an anti- Cathepsin S antibody molecule, and (ii) an anti-VEGF antibody molecule. Also described are anti-Cathepsin S humanized antibodies, pharmaceutical compositions and methods of treatment using such antibodies. Patent WO 2010094981
  6. Olwill S. A., Johnston J. A., Kwok H. F., Whelan C, Clarke J. (2009) Diagnostic method and kit – The invention relates to methods for diagnosis of tuberculosis comprising determining the presence or absence of, or an immune response to a group of antigens. Patent WO2009024822
  7. Olwill S. A., Buick R. J., Kwok H. F., Johnston J. A. (2006) Assays for diagnosis of tuberculosis and uses thereof – The identification of mycobacterial antigens which are highly immunogenic and which may be used in assays and methods for the diagnosis of tuberculosis. Patent WO2006117538
2021 – 2022 Faculty of Health Sciences Best Teacher (Overall Performance) Award
2020 – 2021 Cancer Biology & Medicine Outstanding Reviewer Award
2020 Incentive Award Scheme for Outstanding Academic Staff
2019 – 2020 Faculty of Health Sciences Best Teacher (Excellence in Service) Award
2018 Incentive Award Scheme for Outstanding Academic Staff
2017 – 2018 Faculty of Health Sciences Best Teacher (Excellence in Service) Award
2014 Winner of Protein Discovery Summit Poster Presentation: GTC’s 2nd Antibody & Protein Therapeutics Conference
2011 – 2014 CRUK Research Fellowship
2008 Winner of Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) Regional Award
2004 – 2007 Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTP) Fellowship
2000 – 2003 Vice-Chancellor Research Scholarship
1999 University of Ulster Overseas student Bursary Award
Professional Activities

  • Editor-in-Chief (Natural and Bio-inspired Molecules Section) – Biomolecules
  • Executive Editor — Expert Reviews in Molecular Medicine
  • Editor — PeerJ
  • Associate Editor — Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences
  • Associate Editor – Biology
  • Frontiers Section Editor (Antibodies and Peptides in Cancer Therapy) — Recent Patents on Anti-Cancer Drug Discovery
  • Guest Editor — Seminars in Cancer Biology (Thematic Issue: Regulating cell cycle-related activities: the right target for cancer therapy)
  • Guest Editor — Pharmacological Research (Special Issue: Nano-/synthetic-based particles & natural-based biomolecules: Innovative drug design and delivery for potential pharmaceutical applications)
  • Guest Editor — Toxins (Special Issue: Venom and Toxins as Targeted Therapy)
  • Guest Editor — Scientific Reports (Collection: Therapeutic antibodies)
  • Guest Editor — Biomolecules (Special Issue: Novel Natural-based Biomolecules Discovery for Tackling Chronic Diseases)
  • Guest Editor — Biology (Special Issue: Proteases — From Basic Structure to Function to Drug Design as Targeted Therapy)
  • Guest Editor — Molecules (Special Issue: Recent Advances in Natural Drug Discovery and Development – Is It a New Wave of Medicine?)
  • Guest Editor — Biology (Special Issue: Recent Prototype Drug Development: Insights in Protein Science and Enzymology for Precision Medicine)
  • Guest Editor — Frontiers in Pharmacology (Special Issue: New Mechanistic Insights into Cancer Precision Medicine)
  • Guest Editor — Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences (Special Issue: Insights in Protein Chemistry and Enzymology: 2021)
  • Guest Editor — Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences (Special Issue: Enzyme Inhibitors from Venoms and Plant Natural Biomolecules as Therapeutics)
  • Guest Editor — Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences (Special Issue: ADAM, ADAMTS and Astacin Proteases: Challenges and Breakthroughs in the -Omics Era I & II)
  • Guest Editor — Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences (Special Issue: Exercise and Cancer: From Clinical Association to Mechanistic Insights)
  • Editorial Board Member of Toxins
  • Editorial Board Member of BMC Medical Genomics
  • Editorial Board Member of Biomolecules
  • Editorial Board Member of Scientific Reports
  • Editorial Board Member of Current Protein & Peptide Science
  • Editorial Board Member of Cancer Biology & Medicine
  • Editorial Board Member of Scientific Reports

  • Advanced Science
  • Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials
  • Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology
  • Analytical Cellular Pathology
  • Aging
  • ACS Omega
  • Biology
  • Biochemical Journal
  • Biochemical Pharmacology
  • BMC Cancer
  • BMC Medical Genomics
  • BMC Molecular Biology
  • BMC Urology
  • Breast Cancer Targets and Therapy
  • Biochemical Society Transactions
  • Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy
  • Biofactors
  • Biomarkers in Medicine
  • Bioscience Reports
  • Biosensors and Bioelectronics
  • Cells
  • Cell Death and Disease
  • Cancers
  • Cancer Biomarkers
  • Cancer Biology & Medicine
  • Cancer Management & Research
  • Cancer Medicine
  • Cancer Informatics
  • Cancer Letters
  • Cancer Research
  • Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences
  • Cell Biology International
  • Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry
  • Computational & Structural Biotechnology Journal
  • Communications Biology
  • Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
  • Current Drug Targets
  • Current Protein & Peptide Science
  • Current Enzyme Inhibition
  • Current Oncology
  • Cancer Biology & Treatment
  • Drug Design, Development and Therapy
  • Discover Oncology
  • Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine
  • Expert Opinion on Biological Therapy
  • Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery
  • European Journal of Pharmacology
  • Future Oncology
  • Global Challenges
  • Heliyon
  • Immunotherapy
  • Immunology Letters
  • International Immunopharmacology
  • IUBMB Life
  • International Journal of Biological Sciences
  • International Journal of Biochemistry Research & Review
  • International Journal of Nanomedicine
  • International Journal of Oncology
  • International Immunopharmacology
  • Journal of Bone Oncology
  • Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment
  • Journal of Cell Science & Therapy
  • Journal of Cell Communication and Signaling
  • Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine
  • Journal of Clinical and Translational Research
  • Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research
  • Journal of Cancer
  • Journal of Immunology
  • Journal of Molecular Evolution
  • Journal of Ovarian Research
  • Journal of Pain Research
  • Journal of Thoracic Disease
  • Journal of Venom Research
  • Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins including Tropical Diseases
  • Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE B
  • Langenbeck’s Archives of Surgery
  • Life Sciences
  • mAbs
  • Marine Drugs
  • Microorganisms
  • Microbial Pathogenesis
  • Medical Science Monitor
  • Molecular Biotechnology
  • Molecular Biology Reports
  • Molecular Cancer Therapeutics
  • Molecular Medicine Reports
  • Molecular Therapy – Oncolytics
  • Molecular Pain
  • Molecules
  • Mutation Research
  • Oncogene
  • OncoTargets & Therapy
  • Oncology Reports
  • Oncology Letters
  • Oral Diseases
  • Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity
  • PeerJ
  • PLoS One
  • PNAS
  • Peptides
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Pharmacology & Therapeutics
  • Regulatory Peptide
  • Research in Veterinary Science
  • Seminars in Cancer Biology
  • Scientific Reports
  • Tissue Engineering
  • Toxicology in Vitro
  • Toxins
  • Toxin Reviews
  • Toxicon
  • Theranostics
  • Vaccines
  • World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
  • World Journal of Surgical Oncology
  • Book — Bioactive Natural Products, Elsevier, Amsterdam
  • Book — Peptides in Molecular Pharmaceutics: Targeted Therapy and Drug Delivery, Nature Springer
  • Book — Bioactive Natural Products, Elsevier, Amsterdam
  • Book — Peptides in Molecular Pharmaceutics: Targeted Therapy and Drug Delivery, Nature Springer
  • Book — Cancer Genomics and Human Health, Nature Springer
  • Grant — Swiss National Science Foundation 2024, Switzerland
  • Grant — Baptist University Initiation Grant for Faculty Niche Research Areas 2022/2023, Hong Kong
  • Grant — Cancer Research UK (CRUK) Biotherapeutics Drug Discovery Programme 2020, UK
  • Grant — Israeli Ministry of Science and Technology 2020, Israel
  • Grant — The Wellcome Trust/DBT India Alliance Fellowship 2019, UK/India
  • Grant — Breast Cancer Now 2017, UK
  • Grant — Tyrolean Science Fund 2014/2015, Austria

  • School of Pharmacy, Queen’s University Belfast, UK — PhD programme and MPhil programme
  • Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, University of Hong Kong — MMedSc programme
  • Faculty of Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences, Monash University, Australia — PhD programme
  • School of Biomedical Sciences, Chinese University of Hong Kong – PhD programme
  • School of Biological Sciences, University of Queensland, Australia — PhD programme

Conference Presentations

  • Kwok H. F. (2018) 3rd International Conference on Cancer Research & Targeted Therapy, London, UK. “Anti-TACE antibody drug development for the treatment of cancer”.
  • Li B., Lyu P., Ma R., Mahadevappa R., Xi X. and Kwok H. F. (2017) 6th IAPC Meeting — World Conference on Physico Chemical Methods and World Conference on ADMET and DMPK, Zagreb, Croatia. “Venom-based Peptide Drug Discovery: Enhancing Specificity in Cancer Treatment”. (Invited Keynote Speaker)
  • Yuen S.M., Ye J., Murphy G., Xie R. and Kwok H. F. (2016) 5th IAPC Meeting — Emerging Technologies in Drug Discovery and Development, Zhuhai, China. “Anti-Tumour Effects of a Human & Mouse Cross-Reactive’ Anti-TACE Antibody in a Pancreatic Cancer Model In Vivo”. (Invited Keynote Speaker)
  • Lin Y., Meng C., Lin W., Cheng G. and Kwok H. F. (2016) 3rd Macao Symposium on Biomedical Sciences, Macau SAR. “Regulation of PD-L1 by KRAS and p53”.
  • Li B., Xi X, Chen T., Shaw C. and Kwok H. F. (2015) 18th World Congress of the International Society on Toxinology, Oxford, UK. “High-throughput approach for isolation and identification of novel peptides with anticancer activities from scorpion venoms”.
  • Kwok H. F. (2014) 3rd Antibody & Protein Therapeutics Conference, Boston, USA. “Discovery and Development of Therapeutic TACE (ADAM17) Antibodies”.